Sunday, May 13, 2012

I take it back...

Well tonight was the night... I was spanked and it was not "easy" as I stated the last one being... My HOH informed me that he had been reading my blog. I didn't even know he knew what it was called but he pulled it up on his computer and it is one of his saved bookmarks... I guess he has been reading it daily to see what I post and he didn't much care for my comment about his last discipline being easy on me... and trust me he let me know... I was also being punished for a few other offenses and today was the first day we got the chance to take care of everything. I lost count of how many swats I received after about number 5 all I could think about was the pain... As hard as I tried I did end up putting my hand back, I guess I put it back 3 times but I only really remember putting it back once. I also moved out of position a couple times but moved right back (according to the hoh I didnt move right back). I didn't realize it would be so hard to stay in perfect position.

My HOH also has a new bff... Mr. hairbrush. He states I cant spank you with my hand because I work with my hands... So I guess for me it is the hairbrush or worse... hmmmm....

We talked a little bit about the discipline afterwards and I told him that I think it would help me if there was a break in between the lecture and the discipline such as a corner time or a timeout. 

I do have a few questions though on the learningdd blog page it says that for a beginners spanking you should use a hairbrush or your hand with about 20 swats with out bruising but my bottom is very bruised... I do bruise easily... Anyone have any advice?


  1. Hi, I can only tell you from my experience is that a hand warm-up, before using any implement helps to not bruise as easily and I've found that regardless, because of all the attention my backside has been receiving over the last few months, I don't bruise much at all now, warm-up or no warm-up. Maybe just a case of becoming 'accustomed' :)but of course, everybody is different.

    Dee x

    1. thanks for the advise I will let him know. The bruising has simmered down a bit by this morning so that is good!
